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VCAL award winners
29 April 2019
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Achievement Awards were presented at Federation Square this morning.
The VCAL is a hands-on senior secondary certificate of education that provides students with work-related experience, and develops literacy, numeracy and personal skills. The certificate is a pathway to many careers and educational opportunities.
The VCAL Achievement Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of students who have participated in and completed a VCAL qualification. The awards recognise the exceptional efforts of the teachers and community partners who have played significant roles in the development and delivery of VCAL programs.
Congratulations to the following 2018 VCAL Achievement Award winners from ÁùºÏ±¦µä’s Catholic schools:
- VCAL Student Achievement Award – Senior Outstanding Achievement: Dana Yap from , Frankston
- VCAL Teacher Achievement Award – Integrated Program: Kerryn Katel from , Kilmore
- VCAL Teacher Achievement Award – Team Teaching: Hannah Studd and Denise Walker from , Whittington
- VCAL Partner Achievement Award – Workplace Training: The Trade Training Centre at , Sydenham.